
Welcome to Salford City College's LRC Blog. Here you will find book and DVD reviews, new stock lists, and information on events happening in your LRC.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Events in Walkden LRC

Over the next few weeks there are a few events taking place in the LRC

Thursday 22nd January

Animal Care Society Evening-  17:00 till late

Tuesday 27th January

Walkden Interview Evening-  16:30 till late

Thursday 29th January

Walkden Parents Evening-  16:30 till late

Hypnotist at Walkden LRC

Have you ever been hypnotized?

Students at Walkden Centre were given the opportunity to spend time with a professional
hypnotist on the 14th January.

The session was very well received by all involved
and students learned temporary skills they never
thought possible, such as learning Martian.

Imagination is the key to hypnosis, showing that while your mind is powerful and complicated, with the right skills it's easily fooled.                            

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Struggling for inspiration?



If you are on one of our exciting media courses why not try this book profiling one of the most important men in world media?

Rupert Murdoch deals in companies that have extraordinary political and cultural power. From The Sun and the rise of Thatcher to Fox News and the war on terror, we have been living in Rupert Murdoch’s Trance since the late seventies. This book lets us in to all the answers hidden behind the man who owns the news.


Michael Wolff gives us an insight to the world of media and news world, and the man who is all behind it. If you are studying media here at one of our centres and interested in how it all evolved, this is the book for you.


Michael Wolff describes Murdoch as a Machiavellian titan; overbearing, but loving farther; love-struck husband (of a woman 40 years his junior); and the most cynical and brilliant newsman who has ever lived.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year is held on Thursday, February 19 2015

Chinese New Year started in 1766 BC - 1122 BC.  Chinese New Year Has more than 4,000 years of history, it is often known as the Spring Festival and 2015 is the year of the sheep.

 Chinese New Year started when an ox with lion head (known as “Year”) was believed to stay in the sea. At the night of New Year's Eve, the "Year” will come out to harm people, animals, and proprieties. Later people found that the "Year" is afraid of red colour, fire, and loud sound. Therefore, for self-protection, people form the habit of posting red Dui Lian in front of the house, launching fireworks, and handing lantern at year end.

The celebration will sometimes be highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honour of heaven, earth, and other gods, as well as the family ancestors

Not like the Christian New Year which is based on a solar calendar, the Chinese New Year is based on a traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar whose date indicates both the moon phase and the time of the solar year.
A lunar month is around 2 days shorter than a solar month. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar, an extra month is inserted every few years. This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year.

Legend has it that in ancient times, Buddha asked all the animals to meet him on Chinese New Year. Twelve came, and Buddha named a year after each one. He announced that the people born in each animal's year would have some of that animal's personality.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Whats been happening in your local LRC this month.....

This month we have covered a few different topics; Remembrance Sunday, World War 1, the issues that people who have Dyslexia have to face & Stress, which can be very serious and needs to be addressed, it is National Stress Awareness Day on 16th November.

We have produced the following displays around the centers, please come & check them out.

Pendleton Center

City Center

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Black History Month 2014

Black History Month 2014

This month we have been celebrating Black History at all the sites, please see below:

Pendletons Display

Citys Display

 Walkdens Display

Eccles Display

Future Skills Display

I'm sure you will agree that all the displays look good and give some good examples of our Black History, keep your eyes peeled on the notice boards for new displays each month....Halloween not too far away......